page 432-433
Tonle Sap is the largest fresh water lake in Southeast Asia. During the rainy season, water from the Mekong River flows into the lake, while in the dry season from November to May, waters flows back to the river. Because of this naturally occurring ebb and flow, the lake is home to 300 species of fresh water fish. Here, fishermen beat the water to drive fish into their nets.
Author: Michael Yamashita
© Michael Yamashita
Photo size: 65.4 Mpixels (187 MB uncompressed) - 9903x6602 pixels (33x22 in / 83.8x55.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: boat, Cambodia, exterior, fish, fishermen, fresh water, HP exhibit, HP Marco Polo Exhibit, landscape, large, largest, Marco Polo, natural, nature, nets, outside, page 432-433, people, silhouette, Silk Road, Southeast Asia, species, stand, standing, Tonle Sap, Tonle Sap Basin, tonlesap433, unsalted sea