Novice monks complete morning chores at Lawkananda Pagoda in Bagan. Monasteries can act as social safety nets for orphans or children from families too impoverished to feed their offspring. Young monks study Buddhist texts. They also keep the temple grounds tidy and tend to elder monks.
Author: Michael Yamashita
©Michael Yamashita
Photo size: 24.0 Mpixels (68.7 MB uncompressed) - 6000x4000 pixels (20x13.3 in / 50.8x33.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: 7 Days in Myanmar, Asia, Asian, Ayerwaddy River, Bagan, boys, Burma, children, clean, cleaning, daytime, dogs, grounds, grounds keeping, Kids, Lawkananda Pagoda, male, monks, Myanmar, novice, outdoors, People, southeast asia, young